For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which
was lost. Luke 19:10
It is an awful feeling to get lost when going somewhere, but it is more dreadful to live life lost. People get lost in many things; Lost in careers they never qualified in, lost from the purposes of their life, lost in gender, lost in adultery and in all other trappings of the world.
Life with all its complexities makes people loose their God given values and they settle for the convenient. But it is important to know that God did not create you to make up numbers neither did he create you to be independent from Him.
God created you for a purpose, but somewhere along the way, you got lost from that purpose. Somewhere along the way, you got disconnected from your creator and you went astray from the purpose He created you for.
As a result, life may have been insecure, strange and uncertain, tending to eternal destruction; without joy and peace. However, because you His love for you, God sent His Son to seek and save you from temporal and eternal destruction. But, Are you willing to be found?

In finding you, Jesus paid the price for retrieving you.
Metaphorically, if it is the taxi fare, He paid for the whole Journey; if
you are in captivity of some sort, He paid the redemption price.
There is nothing, He will not do to recover you. What He only requires of
you is your willingness to be found. Whatever it is that concerns you,
He knows. Just take time to tell Him, and He will help you.
Usually, sin is the barrier that hinders many from having a relationship with God. Sin blinds them from seeing the good God has for them. Yet sin itself results in punishment.
In the world, we see sin partially punished when people end up in jail for the crimes committed. Though these people are jailed by the Court for breaking the Law of the land, in the eyes of God we all qualify to be put away for the sins we have committed against God, Man and ourselves.
Scripture says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
We all fell short of the required standard and deserve the punishment.
However, in God’s courtroom, God has made a way for the offender to be pardoned. Some one dear to God, His Son Jesus Christ, by His death on the cross, has paid the punishment fit for the crimes committed that whoever Jesus represents, is said to have served the punishment. Praise God! Halleluiah!!
So, Since sin, the crime committed, has been dealt with, nothing hinders you from having a father and son
relationship with God.
Therefore, if you accept to be found, you allow Jesus to represent you before God. He is your advocate by whom you are set free from all condemnations. So learn to live life like one who is not lost. Be filled with the joy of the Lord, for all things are accessible to you through Him. Do not live life dejected. Rather have Hope in your heart knowing that things are going to work out better. If He gave His life to save you, what is it that He cannot do for you now that you are abiding with Him? Scripture says for all things are yours 1 Cor. 3:21.
So live life knowing you are found and you will never lack anything, and it shall be so with you.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you
for your word. I believe in Jesus as
my savior and I believe am free
from all condemnations. I pray
your word abides in my heart that
I may never be lost again. In Jesus
name, I pray, amen.