Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Prov. 31:10
As we engage in reading of the book of proverbs, we cannot help ourselves from the temptation of answering this question, who can find a virtuous woman? Many people focus on the woman to be found, and ignore the one who finds.
For one to find, must equally have the qualities that attract what he finds. Though this question is always focused on women, it has a lot to say about the man who finds. However, to understand the man, we must first understand the qualities of this virtuous woman.
Many women today have come to difficult crossroads. Some “career women” regret not devoting more time to their children; some “stay-at-home moms” regret not having a career. However, a wise woman will give serious thought to Proverbs 31.

In the passage, the woman is mentioned to have involved herself in many duties, but she emerged successful in all of them. Contrary to popular belief, this passage does not describe an ideal too lofty to attain—no, the chief characteristic of the truly noble woman is balance. That is what happens when each of us takes our assignment from God and God alone—it is the message of the entire book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 31 does not discuss only female roles; other topics include drinking; leading; fulfilling responsibilities; and working.
The Book of Proverbs ends with a positive description of a godly woman—a woman of strong character, great wisdom, many skills, and compassion. Some people have the mistaken idea that the ideal woman in the Bible is passive, submissive, and domestic, not so!
This woman takes her roles as a wife and mother quite proactively. She does not delegate her responsibilities to someone else. She manufactures, imports, manages, invests farms, sews, buys, sells, and shares. Her strength and dignity do not come from amazing achievements, but from reverence for God. Her attractiveness comes from her strength of character; and that is the point. Virtue is in the personality.
Therefore, Whoever you are, male or female, you can learn this lesson: A godly person is one who strives to be a person of character, integrity, devotion, and balance.
Dear Heavenly father, I pray that you strengthen me and give me the ability to accomplish what you have set before me. I pray I develop a godly character of the spirit to work well with other. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.