As righteousness tends to life: so he that pursues evil pursues it to his own death. Prov. 11:19
The most precious thing in existence is life. Where there is life, there are endless possibilities. Unfortunately, many live their lives tending to destruction. They have not learned the way of righteousness, which tends to life. As such, they spend their time doing works that tend to death.
You see, having a breath coming out of the nostrils, does not mean enjoying life. Many have a breath, but they are running from the law; others have a breath, but they are slave to habits of destruction. Some have all the money they need, but at the expense of their health. As in the opening scripture, pursuing these things in an evil way is to pursue death. Surely, life ought to be better than servicing crimes, habits and sickness.
It is important to understand that no man has the formulae to life but God. In His word, God has set principles by which we are able to live life in its true essence. From the opening scripture, we understand that life is a result of practicing righteousness. As you continue in the way of righteousness, you will inevitably find life in its true essence. Scripture says In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death. Prov. 12:28. Notice that righteousness breeds life. Whatever the experience, good or bad, you may find while pursuing righteousness, the end will be life. This life is expressed in your health, your joy and your peace of mind.
Today God has made righteousness clear, simple and attainable by all. Instead of working out your own righteousness to please God, God has set Jesus Christ to be the acceptable righteousness standard that whoever believe in Jesus as saviour, is accepted as righteous before God. Whoever believes in Jesus becomes the Righteousness of God.
Therefore, seek Jesus and stay in Him who is the way of righteousness of God. When you find Him, He will deliver you from the traps of the enemy, Prov. 11:6; when you find Him, all the things you need in life shall be added to you, Mat 6:33. So, practice the righteousness of God that you may have life.
Dear heavenly Father, I pray you lead me in the path of righteousness. I choose to abide by your word. I pray your righteousness be revealed in everything I do and amongst all the people I meet, in Jesus name, I pray, amen.