Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Peter 1:3
It is of great importance that we take the resurrection of Jesus from the dead seriously. His resurrection from the dead is a significant event in the Christian faith. For without the resurrection, we have no hope in this life and in the life beyond. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, we Christians among all men are the most miserable.
However, knowing that Christ has risen, witnessed by many according to scripture (1 Cor. 15:5-8) and evidenced by the archaeological facts found, we ought to be confident in the hope, which the knowledge of His resurrection gives us.

Christ’s resurrection is a confirmation of our victory. If Christ had lived a good life, died and was buried without resurrecting to life, we would still be subject to a life of misery in sin. We would by nature, be servants of sin, without a conscious of godly goodness. Now that we know of His resurrection, it is important that we take advantage of what His resurrection means to us.
The worst ultimate outcome any problem would ever do is to cause death. Unlike the popular description of death as an end of existence, it is a disconnection from the body of sin, the flesh. Similarly, Christ’s death was a disconnection from the body of sin, that he was no more tempted by sin nor was he anymore subject to its effects, as scripture says for he that is dead is freed from sin. Rom 6:7.
So, When He arose from the dead, He did not rise with the same body of sin, but God raised him from the dead with an immortal body having a different life; the life of the spirit of God, in which death has no more dominion over him, Rom 6:9. He arose with life that is neither subject to failure nor is it subject to sin, but it is a life of victory.
This same life of Victory is in us who believe in His resurrection. To us that believe, When Christ died, we died with Him and we were disconnected from the life of sin and death that sin may no longer have dominion or control over us, Rom 6:14.
Moreover, when Christ rose from the dead, we where raised up with Him to a new life of righteousness in God (Rom 6:4). You were raised to a life of hope and victory over failure, hope and victory over the life of sin and death. This life of hope and
victory in you is a life of the spirit.
Therefore, you ought to align your mind-set to think and behave according to this life. Do not be deceived by the problems of the life of sin that you see in others and around you. Focus on the truth of what God has made you in Christ Jesus. The resurrection of Christ is the core evidence of your changed life. Accept it and believe it that you may see the life of victory revealed in you.
I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By His resurrection, Christ has given me a life of victory. I am no longer subject to failure, sin and its effects. The life I live in the body is the life of the son of God. I have the life of the spirit in me, in Jesus name, amen.