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Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Gal. 5:1

There is a saying that says, the best things in life are free. This saying is so true when it comes to the liberty Christ has offered those that believe in Him. He has offered liberty to all that believe in Him at the expense of nothing, but himself.

Unfortunately, in contrast to what Christ offers free, in every corner of the world, the search and exercise of liberty have in many instances bondage many people to habits in which they are held captives. When exercising their liberties, some get hooked on intoxications, others use unnatural relationships, and others harm their bodies in the name of rituals or personal rights at the expense of their health. The outcome has always been bondage in the exercise of liberty.

Moreover, unlike the popular understanding of Liberty, it is not the freedom to do whatever one wants, but true liberty is to live life as one should and not as one pleases. It is to live life expressing the true values of living. Being able to do or omit to do things that are consistent with one’s freedom from bondage

This is what Christ came to do, to pay the price for our freedom from the bondage of sin's control and the guilt that comes from the inadequacy of fulfilling religious laws. By his death, he freed us from sin, and by his resurrection, He gave us life to live in liberty as God intended for all who believe. With this life, we express and experience love, Joy, peace, patience, humility, and self-control as fruits of the spirit of life we received. This is a life of living with the Holy Spirit within. For where the spirit is there is liberty.

To enjoy this liberty, one must embrace it. As we live in Christ, we are like living in a country of benefits. We must choose to embrace this liberty as one embraces his name. It begins by believing that what Christ did gives you the right to this liberty. Embrace the Liberty by looking at those things Christ has made you. Don’t look at your ability to attain but believe Christ has given to you what he says he has. So, believe you receive.

In the verse above, the apostle uses the word “stand fast”, (gk – stēkō) which is interpreted as to stand firm, to persevere, to persist. Implying there are several factors that want to shift or move you from the liberty Christ has given you. But you must apply yourself by standing firm. Refuse to be moved from the belief that Christ has made you free. Stand firm and hold on to your position in Christ that the life of Christ may manifest in you.


Dear Father, I thank You for Your Word. I accept and believe what Your Word says I am. I believe I have received the life of the spirit and I stand firm in the liberty which Christ has freely given me. In Jesus name. I pray, Amen.


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